[translation] 0x0000=eesti 0x0001=ykeATneti.ee 0x0002=22. august 2010 0x0003=0.50 [main] 0x2af9=&Fail 0x2afa=&Redigeeri 0x2afb=&Tegevused 0x2afc=&Vaade 0x2afd=&Valikud 0x2afe=&Spikker 0x800f=&Uus projekt 0x802e=&Lisa 0x8020=Kirjuta &kompilatsioon 0x8028=K&opeeri ketas 0x8005=&Väljuta ketas 0xe101=&Ava projekt... 0xe103=&Salvesta projekt 0xe104=Salvesta projekt &kui... 0x8021=Projekti &omadused... 0xe141=V&älju 0x8010=Data &CD 0x8011=&Audio CD 0x8012=Mi&xed-Mode CD 0x8013=&Uus kaust 0x8016=Ni&mete ümber 0x8017=&Eemalda 0x8032=&Valitud 0x8033=&Kõik 0x800c=Kirjuta &kujutis... 0x8027=&Halda radasid... 0x8004=K&ustuta/Vorminda ketas... 0x8026=S&ulge ketas... 0x8035=Ketta &info 0x8036=Impordi &sessioon... 0x8024=to a Disc &Image... 0x8025=kompakt&kettale... 0xe801=&Olekuriba 0x800a=Programmi &logi... 0x8018=Suu&red ikoonid 0x8019=V&äikesed ikoonid 0x801a=&Nimekiri 0x801b=&Detailid 0x800d=&Konfiguratsioon... 0x800e=&Seaded... 0x8038=&Abinfo teemad 0xe140=&Programmist 0x803a=DVD-&Video ketas... 0x803b=Data &DVD 0x803f=&Tööriistaribad 0x8042=&Standardnupud 0x8043=&Kohanda... 0x8044=Vali &kõik 0x8045=&Pööra valik ümber 0x8048=&Omadused... 0x804a=Data CD (&multi-session) 0x804b=Im&pordi... [hint] 0xe101=Ava olemasolev projekt. 0xe103=Salvesta aktiivne projekt. 0xe104=Salvesta aktiivne projekt uue nimega. 0x8021=Kuva ja muuda projekti seadeid. 0xe141=Katkesta rakenduse töö. 0x8010=Loo uus data CD projekt. 0x8011=Loo uus audio CD projekt. 0x8012=Loo uus mixed-mode CD projekt. 0x8013=Lisa projekti uus kaust. 0x8016=Anna valitud kirjele uus nimi. 0x8017=Eemalda valitud kirje(d) projektist. 0x800c=Write the contents of a disc-image to a CD. 0x8027=Vaata ketta radade paigutust, salvesta radasid ja kontrolli radasid. 0x8004=Kustuta või vorminda ketas. 0x8026=Sulge ketas mida pole veel suletud. 0x8036=Import an existing session to your current project. 0x8024=Burn the current compilation to a disc image. 0x8025=Burn the current compilation to a physical compact disc. 0x802b=Copy the contents of a CD directy to another CD. 0x802c=Copy the contents of a CD to a disc image. 0xe800=Kuva või peida tööriistariba. 0xe801=Kuva või peida olekuriba. 0x800a=Vaata programmi logi. 0x800d=InfraRecorderi seadistamine. 0x800e=Vaata seadme omadusi ja muuda seadme seadeid. 0xe140=Kuva programmi info, versiooni number ja autoriõigused. 0x0081=Mine üks tase ülesse. 0x0082=Salvesta valitud rada (rajad) kõvakettale. 0x0083=Scan the selected track(s) for errors. 0x0084=Kustuta valitud rada (rajad) kettalt. 0x0085=Lisa uus faililaiend nimekirja. 0x0086=Eemalda valitud faililaiend nimekirjast. 0x8032=Lisa valitud objekt(id) projekti. 0x8033=Lisa kõik objektid projekti. 0x0087=Lisa uus buudikujutis projekti. 0x0088=Eemalda valitud buudikujutis projektist. 0x0089=Muda valitud buudikujutist. 0x803a=Loo uus DVD-Video ketta projekt. 0x803b=Loo uus data DVD projekt. 0x8038=Kuva spikri teemad. 0x8044=Vali kõik kirjed aknas. 0x8045=Reverse which items are selected and which are not. 0x804a=Loo uus multi-session data CD projekt. 0x804b=Impordi fail(id) projekti. 0x008a=Loo uus data projekt. [strings] 0x0000=Viga 0x0001=Hoiatus 0x0002=Info 0x0003=Küsimus 0x0004=Võimetu registrisse kirjutama. Sinu kasutajakontol võivad puududa õigused soovitud tegevuseks. 0x0005=Faili salvestamisel ilmnes viga. Faili ei loodud. 0x0006=Ei ole võimalik laadida konfiguratsiooni faili, see võib olla vigane. XML töötleja tagastas: %d. 0x0007=Sa ei saa lisada kaustu audio projektile. 0x0008=Projeki faili parsimine võimatu, see võib olla vigane. XML töötleja tagastas: %d. 0x0009=Projeki faili parsimine võimatu, see võib olla vigane. 0x000a=The project has been created with a newer version of InfraRecorder. You need to update InfraRecorder to open this project. 0x000b=The active character set could not be automatically detected. The registry suggests the following body character set: %s. 0x000c=Please reload the drive and press the 'Reload' button. 0x000d=Error on sector %d not corrected. 0x000e=The internal command line is too long for your system to handle. The length limit on your system is %d characters. Please try to shorten the file paths in your project and try again. 0x000f=InfraRecorder has noticed that autorun is enabled. Leaving autorun enabled causes Windows to poll the CD drive while recording, which might damage your CD. Do you want to turn off autorun (recommended)? 0x0010=Are you sure that you want to abort the operation? Aborting might damage your CD permanently. 0x0011=Are you sure that you want to remove the selected item(s) from the project? 0x0012=The project has been modified, do you want to save the changes? 0x0013=Only the data track can be recorded to a disc image from mixed-mode projects. Do you want to continue? 0x0014=Scanning SCSI/IDE bus... 0x0015=Loading device capabilities... 0x0017=InfraRecorder has detected changes in your hardware configuration. Would you like to update your device configuration now? 0x0018=Initializing device... 0x0019=Loading information from track %d. 0x001a=InfraRecorder failed to scan your SCSI/IDE busses. Please make sure that your system is properly configured. 0x001b=InfraRecorder failed to load device capabilities. 0x001c=InfraRecorder failed to load extended device information. 0x001d=No recorders available 0x001e=No devices available 0x001f=An error occured while trying to perform the selected operation. 0x0020=Unable to load drive media. Please insert a valid disc into the drive. 0x0021=The disc is not rewritable or your recorder might not support the operation. 0x0022=Couldn't erase disc using the selected method. 0x0023=Unsupported sector size of %d bytes. 0x0024=A write error occurred. Please see program log for more details. 0x0025=The file you are trying to add is not supported. 0x0026=Unable to locate the file: 0x0027=An error occured while trying to save the CD-Text binary data. The CD-Text information will not be recorded. 0x0028=Inappropriate audio coding in file: 0x0029=The drive could not automatically be reloaded. 0x002a=Can't read source disc. Retrying from sector %d. 0x002b=The directory structure is too deep for '%s' (%d), maximum allowed depth is %d. 0x002c=DVD media found. DVD write support is not available in this version. 0x002d=Project Properties 0x002e=Level 1 (11 character file names) 0x002f=Level 2 (31 character file names) 0x0030=Level 3 (files larger than 4 GiB) 0x0031=Mode 1 0x0032=Mode 2 XA (multisession) 0x0033=Properties of Track %d 0x0034=Explorer View 0x0035=Disc Layout 0x0036=Maximum 0x0037=Not available 0x0038=Burn 0x0039=Burn Compilation 0x003a=New Folder 0x003b=%I64d minutes 0x003c= (automatically detected) 0x003d=Please select the folder where you want the track(s) to be saved: 0x003e=Please select a folder: 0x003f=Data Project 0x0040=Audio Project 0x0041=Mixed-Mode CD Project 0x0042=%I64d Files, %I64d Folders, %I64d Tracks 0x0043=Properties of 0x0044=Bus %d, Target %d, Lun %d 0x0045=Read mode 2 form 1 blocks 0x0046=Read mode 2 form 2 blocks 0x0047=Read digital audio blocks 0x0048=Read multi-session discs 0x0049=Read fixed-packet CD media using method 2 0x004a=Read CD bar code 0x004b=Read R-W subcode information 0x004c=Read raw P-W subcode data from lead in 0x004d=Support test writing (simulation) 0x004e=Support Buffer Underrun Free recording 0x004f=Support C2 error pointers 0x0050=Support CD ejection via START/STOP command 0x0051=Support changing side of disc 0x0052=Support Individual Disc Present feature 0x0053=Return CD media catalog number 0x0054=Return CD ISRC information 0x0055=Deliver composite A/V data 0x0056=Play audio discs 0x0057=Have load-empty-slot-in-changer feature 0x0058=Lock media on power up via prevent jumper 0x0059=Allow media to be locked in the drive via PREVENT/ALLOW command 0x005a=Restart non-streamed digital audio reads accurateley 0x005b=Return R-W subcode de-interleaved and error-corrected 0x005c=Support individual channel volume settings 0x005d=Support independent mute setting for each channel 0x005e=Support digital output on port 1 0x005f=Support digital output on port 2 0x0060=Send digital data LSB-first 0x0061=Set LRCK high for left-channel data 0x0062=Have valid data on falling edge of clock 0x0063=CD-Reader 0x0064=CD/DVD-Reader 0x0065=CD-Recorder 0x0066=CD/DVD-Recorder 0x0067=Blank the entire disc 0x0068=Minimally blank the disc 0x0069=Unclose last session 0x006a=Blank last session 0x006b=Session-At-Once (SAO) 0x006c=Track-At-Once (TAO) 0x006d=TAO with zero pregap 0x006e=Raw writing (raw96r) 0x006f=Raw writing (raw16) 0x0070=Raw writing (raw96p) 0x0071=(no drives found) 0x0072=real write 0x0073=simulation 0x0074=Time 0x0075=Event 0x0076=ID 0x0077=Vendor 0x0078=Identification 0x0079=Revision 0x007a=Name 0x007b=Size 0x007c=Type 0x007d=Modified 0x007e=Path 0x007f=Track 0x0080=Title 0x0081=Length 0x0082=Location 0x0083=Artist 0x0084=Address 0x0085=Description 0x0086=Extensions 0x0087=Status: 0x0088=Device: 0x0089=Total progress: %d%% 0x008a=Preparing to perform the selected operation. 0x008b=Operation completed. 0x008c=Operation canceled. 0x008d=Last chance to abort, operation will start in %d seconds. 0x008e=Started to erase disc in %s mode. 0x008f=Started to close disc in %s mode. 0x0090=Started to write disc in %s mode. 0x0091=Started to write track %d. 0x0092=Started to write disc image. 0x0093=Virtual Disc Image Recorder 0x0094=Started to read track %d. 0x0095=Started to scan track %d. 0x0096=Started to read disc. 0x0097=Erasing disc. 0x0098=Writing data. 0x0099=Writing track %d of %d at %.1fx speed. 0x009a=Writing pregap for track %d at %ld. 0x009b=Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer. 0x009c=Closing disc. 0x009d=Writing disc image. 0x009e=Reading track. 0x009f=Scanning track. 0x00a0=Found %d bytes of C2 errors in %d sectors. 0x00a1=The C2 error rate is %f%%. 0x00a2=Reading disc. 0x00a3=Erasing Disc 0x00a4=Burning Image 0x00a5=Creating Image 0x00a6=Burning Compilation 0x00a7=Closing Disc 0x00a8=Reading Track 0x00a9=Scanning Track 0x00aa=Copying Disc 0x00ab=The disc was successfully erased. 0x00ac=The data was successfully written to the disc. 0x00ad=The disc was successfully closed. 0x00ae=The disc image was successfully created. 0x00af=Done reading track %d. 0x00b0=Done scanning track %d. 0x00b1=Done reading disc. 0x00b2=Some drives don't like closing in simulation mode. 0x00b3=Some recorders does not support all erase modes. 0x00b4=You can try the erase entire disc method. 0x00b5=General 0x00b6=Advanced 0x00b7=Fields 0x00b8=Audio 0x00b9=Configuration 0x00ba=Language 0x00bb=Shell Extension 0x00bc=Copy Disc 0x00bd=Unknown 0x00be=(sequential) 0x00bf=(restricted overwrite) 0x00c0=revision 0x00c1=Not region protected 0x00c2=blank 0x00c3=incomplete 0x00c4=closed 0x00c5=random access 0x00c6=empty 0x00c7=reserved 0x00c8=complete 0x00c9=not 0x00ca=The disc is %s, the last session is %s, the disc can %sbe erased. 0x00cb=The data may not fit on the current disc. 0x00cc=Could not open a new session. 0x00cd=An error occured while trying to load the installed codecs. Please make sure that the installed codecs are compatible with this version of InfraRecorder. 0x00ce=Decoding audio tracks. 0x00cf=Unable to find a suitable decoder for the audio file: %s. 0x00d0=Unable to find the wave encoder. Please verify your codec configuration. 0x00d1=Failed to initialize the %s encoder (%d,%d,%d,%I64d). 0x00d2=Encoder failed, could not encode data. 0x00d3=Decoded the audio file: %s. 0x00d4=The selected target folder is invalid. Please select another target folder. 0x00d5=Encoded the audio file: %s. 0x00d6=Encoding track (%s). 0x00d7=Invalid FIFO buffer size. The size must be at least %i MiB and at most %i MiB. 0x00d8=Level 4 (ISO-9660 version 2) 0x00d9=It's recommended to write a cloned disc using the raw96r or raw16 write method. The selected recorder supports none of these modes. 0x00da=Read 0x00db=Automatic 0x00dc=Copy to Disc Image 0x00dd=Audio discs and multi-session discs must be copied in clone mode to be copied correctly. Please note that it's not possible to clone a disc on the fly. 0x00de=The selected disc image seems to include a TOC-file. It's recommended that you record images that includes a TOC and sub-channel data using a raw write method. InfraRecorder will automatically suggest one for you. 0x00df=Started to estimate file system size. 0x00e0=Done estimating file system size (%I64d sectors). 0x00e1=An error occured while estimating the file system size. Can not continue. 0x00e2=Estimating file system size. 0x00e3=Used: 0x00e4=Free: 0x00e5=Write in session-at-once (SAO) mode 0x00e6=Write in track-at-once (TAO) mode 0x00e7=Write in raw96r mode 0x00e8=Write in raw16 mode 0x00e9=Write in raw96p mode 0x00ea=This option should only be changed when InfraRecorder has detected the wrong write speeds. It does not allow your recorder to write faster than its specification or faster than the media allows. 0x00eb=Boot 0x00ec=You can't add more boot images. The maximum number of allowed boot images in one project is 63. 0x00ed=None 0x00ee=Floppy 0x00ef=Hard disk 0x00f0=Emulation 0x00f1=Edit Boot Image 0x00f2=DVD-Video Project 0x00f3=The project you are trying to open is created by an older version of InfraRecorder. It might not open correctly. 0x00f4=Please select the folder that contains all the DVD-files that you want to record. The folder should include a subfolder named VIDEO_TS: 0x00f5=The selected folder does not contain a valid DVD-Video file structure (the folder VIDEO_TS is missing). Please select another folder. 0x00f6=A write error occurred. Failed to write lead-in. 0x00f7=Failed to initialize the recorder. 0x00f8=DVD+RW discs can not be written in simulation mode. 0x00f9=Reloading media. 0x00fa=Verifying '%s'. 0x00fb=Done verifying disc. No errors found. 0x00fc=Done verifying disc, %d read error(s) occured. 0x00fd=Started disc verification. 0x00fe=The file '%s' could not be found on the disc. 0x00ff=Read error in '%s' (0x%.8X != 0x%.8X). 0x0103=Drive Letter of %s %s %s 0x0104=Quick format 0x0105=Full format 0x0106=(please insert a disc) 0x0107=(unsupported media) 0x0108=Formatting disc. 0x0109=Formatting disc in background. 0x010a=Closing track. 0x010b=Started to format disc in %s mode. 0x010c=Could not format the disc. 0x010d=Could not stop the background format process. 0x010e=The disc was successfully formatted. 0x010f=Reading sector %u (retry %u of %u). 0x0110=Reading disc at %.1fx speed. 0x0111=The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder. 0x0112=modified: 0x0113=The destination folder already contains a file or folder named '%s'. 0x0114=Text options: 0x0115=Icon options: 0x0116=Show text labels 0x0117=Selective text on right 0x0118=No text labels 0x0119=Small icons 0x011a=Large icons 0x011b=Open 0x011c=Save 0x011d=Properties 0x011e=Exit 0x011f=Burn Project 0x0120=Burn Image 0x0121=Copy 0x0122=Tracks 0x0123=Erase 0x0124=Close 0x0125=Log 0x0126=Configuration 0x0127=Devices 0x0128=Help 0x0129=About 0x012b=(please insert a blank disc) 0x012c=Please insert the blank disc which should be recorded. 0x012d=Please insert the source disc that should be copied. 0x012e=Please note that disabling the closing step does not create a multi-session disc. Please see the help documentation for more information. 0x012f=Unable to automatically reload the media. Please try to reload it manually, and then press OK. 0x0130=Operation failed. 0x0131=Failed to create disc image. 0x0132=File System 0x0133=Unable to import session, could not read disc contents. 0x0134=Session 0x0135=track 0x0136=mode 0x0137=The inserted disc does not appear to be empty, do you want to erase it first? 0x0138=Multi-session discs require an ISO9660 file system (without any additional file systems). Do you want InfraRecorder to change your project to use this file system and continue? 0x0139=Verifying Disc 0x013a=Invalid number of copies. Please specify a number larger than zero. 0x013b=Please insert a new blank disc to create another copy. 0x013c=Creating copy %d of %d. 0x013d=Unable to import, does the selected source file exist? 0x013e=Could not import the file "%s". 0x013f=Drive 0x0140=Directory "%s" does not exist. Do you want it to be created? 0x0141=Cannot create directory "%s". 0x0142=The project file \"%s\" could not be found on your computer. It will be removed from the project. 0x0143=InfraRecorder was unable to find any disc devices in your system.\n\nPlease note that Windows 2000, XP and 2003 systems require administrator permissions to access disc devices. Often this can be circumvented by changing your system settings. Please consult the InfraRecorder FAQ in the manual for further information. [burn] 0x041f=Luba overburning 0x0420=Swap audio byte order 0x0421=Eira meediumi suurust 0x0422=Määra SCSI IMMED lipuke 0x0423=Yamaha Audio Master Q. R. 0x0424=Forcespeed režiim 0x0425=Plextor VariRec kirjutusrežiim 0x0416=Kirjutamiskiirus: 0x0418=Kirjutamismeetod: 0x03f7=Peale kirjutamist väljuta ketas 0x03f8=Simulatsioon 0x041c=Puhvri underrun kaitse 0x041d=Pad data tracks 0x041e=Sulge ketas peale kirjutamist 0x04ad=Kontrolli ketast peale kirjutamist 0x04ca=Koopiaid: [device] 0x03fd=Lisainfo: 0x0400=Tüüp: 0x0401=Asukoht: 0x0404=Puhvri suurus: 0x0405=Maksimaalne lugemise kiirus: 0x0407=Maksimaalne kirjutamise kiirus: 0x0409=Read: 0x040f=Write: [devices] 0x00ce=Seadmed 0x0001=OK 0x0485=Spikker 0x03fa=Rescan 0x03fd=Seadme detailinfo vaatamiseks tee topelt-klikk. [edittrack] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x044b=Raja pealkiri: 0x0449=AEsitaja nimi: [erase] 0x00cb=Kustuta/Vorminda ketas 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x0485=Spikker 0x03f2=Salvestaja: 0x03f4=Kustutamise meetod: 0x03f6=Ignore illegal TOC (jõuga kustutamine) 0x03f7=Peale kustutamist väljuta ketas 0x03f8=Simulatsioon 0x04b0=Kiirus: [fixate] 0x00db=Sulge ketas 0x03f7=Peale sulgemist väljuta ketas [log] 0x00cd=Programmi logi 0x0001=OK 0x03fb=Salvesta &kui... 0x03fa=&Diagnostika 0x803e=&Seadme skaneering 0x04b1=&Failid [progress] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x03fa=Lae uuesti 0x03f0=Kirjutamise-puhver: [projectprop] 0x0400=Tüüp: 0x042a=Suurus: 0x042b=Sisaldab: 0x0435=Kirjastaja: 0x0439=Ettevalmistaja: 0x043a=Süsteem: 0x043b=Volume set: 0x043c=Autoriõiguste fail: 0x0440=Abstract file: 0x0441=Bibliographic... 0x0446=Albumi pealkiri: 0x0449=Esitaja: 0x03fd=Double-click on a track to edit its settings. 0x042e=Tase: 0x0445=Format: 0x0432=Use Joliet file name extension 0x0433=Allow more than 64 characters for Joliet names 0x049c=Buudi kujutised: 0x04ac=Omit version numbers from ISO9660 file names 0x04ba=Faili süsteem: 0x0488=Versioon: 0x04ad=Allow more than 8 directories of path depth [tracks] 0x00dc=Rajad 0x0001=OK 0x0485=Spikker 0x0450=Seade: [config] 0x0451=Check if autorun is enabled on each startup 0x0489=Associate InfraRecorder with .irp (InfraRecorder Project) files 0x0452=Enable program log (not recomended for regular use) 0x0453=Keel: 0x0455=Please note that InfraRecorder needs to be restarted for new language settings to take affect. 0x0456=Enable InfraRecorder shell extension 0x0457=Display context menu items in a submenu 0x0459=Kuva menüükirjete ikoonid 0x0458=Register the shell extension with the following file extensions: 0x046e=Explorer folder 0x046f=Enter the folder that you want to be the default folder in the explorer view part of the program. 0x046b=Mäleta viimast aktiivset kaust 0x048a=Ajutine kaust 0x048b=The folder specified below will be used when data has to be temporarily stored on your harddrive. 0x0493=FIFO puhvri suurus 0x0494=This option allows you to change the amount of memory that will be used as a RAM buffer. This is the secondary buffer in addition to your recorder's physical buffer. 0x04ad=Enable smoke effect (requires Windows Vista Aero) 0x04bf=Associate InfraRecorder with disc images (.iso, .img and .cue) 0x04c8=Kuva käivitumisel tervitusakent [newfileext] 0x00e1=Uus faililaiend 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x045b=Kirjeldus: 0x045d=Faili laiendid (komaga eraldatult): [shell] 0x0000=Kirjuta kujutis... 0x0001=Kirjuta projekt... 0x0002=Ava koos InfraRecorder'iga 0x0003=Write the disc image contents to a compact disc. 0x0004=Write the project contents to a compact disc. 0x0005=Ava projekt koos InfraRecorder'iga. [copy] 0x0460=Allikas: 0x0462=Sihtkoht: 0x0469=On the fly 0x046a=Copying on the fly is risky. Please make sure that your source device can read at least as fast as you will write. 0x0467=Kujutise fail: 0x0489=Klooni ketas (soovituslik) [disc] 0x0400=Ketta tüüp: 0x0473=Book type: 0x0475=Regioon: 0x0477=Layer: 0x047a=Rajad: 0x047c=Sessioonid: 0x047d=Olek: 0x047f=Kasutatud ruum: 0x0481=Vaba ruum: [importsession] 0x00e9=Impordi sessioon 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x0450=Seade: 0x047f=Kasutatud ruum: 0x0481=Vaba ruum: 0x0479=Rada importimiseks: [savetracks] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x00ef=Salvesta rajad 0x0462=Sihtkaust: 0x048e=Audio track output format: 0x0490=Sätted... [read] 0x0489=Eira lugemise vigu 0x0498=Read all sub-channel data and the full TOC 0x0499=Kirjutamise kiirus: [info] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x0472=Ära kuva enam seda teadet [addbootimage] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x0485=Spikker 0x00f3=Lisa buudi kujutis 0x04a1=Emulation type: 0x04a3=Valikud edasijõudnutele 0x04a4=Tee kujutis mittebuuditavaks 0x04a7=Boot load segment: 0x04a9=Boot load size: [driveletter] 0x0001=OK 0x0002=Katkesta 0x03fd=InfraRecorder could not automatically detect the drive letter of one of your drives. Please specify the correct drive letter below: [confirmfilereplace] 0x00f8=Kinnita faili asendamine 0x04b2=Nõus 0x03fa=Jah kõigile 0x04b3=Ei 0x04b4=Ei kõigile 0x03fd=Sihtkaust juba sisaldab faili nimega: 0x04b6=Kas soovid asendada olemasolevat faili 0x04b9=sellega? [filesystem] 0x0000=The directory structure is deeper than %d levels. Deep files and folders will be ignored. 0x0001=Jätan vahele "%s". 0x0002=Jätan vahele "%s", fail on suurem kui 4 GB. 0x0003=Fail "%s" on suurem kui 4 GB. See pole nähtav ISO9660/Joliet failisüsteemis. 0x0004=Ketta kujutise failitee tabel on liiga suur. Projekt sisaldab liga palju faile. 0x0005=Võimetu avama faili kirjutamiseks: %s. 0x0006=Võimetu avama faili lugemiseks: %s. 0x0007=Faili puu ehitamine. 0x0008=Faili andmete kirjutamine. 0x0009=Kirjutan ISO9660 failitee tabeleid. 0x000a=Kirjutan Joliet failitee tabeleid. 0x000b=Kirjutan directory entries.