The software in this directory tree is free software and uses licenses that are aproved be the OpenSource Initative Not all sub-projects use the same license. Here is a list of sub-directories and it's related licenses: btcflash/ A firmwareflash program (CDDL) Note: uses libscg cdda2wav/ A DAE program (CDDL) Note: uses libscg cdrecord/ A CD/DVD-recording program (CDDL) Note: uses libscg conf/ The Schily Autoconf program (GPL) Support shell scripts for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) DEFAULTS/ Default files for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) DEFAULTS_ENG/ Default files for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) inc/ Support C-Files for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) include/ Support H-Files for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) libdeflt/ A lib for accessing files under /etc/default/ (CDDL) libedc/ A Reed Solomon Encoder and Decoder (CDDL) libfile/ A lib that implements the 'file' command (license similar to BSDL) libhfs_iso/ HFS support lib (GPL) libparanoia/ CD paranoia CD-DAE support lib (LGPL) librscg/ A remote SCSI-generic transport lib (CDDL) This code may only be used together with other code that is under an approved OpenSource license, see libscg/ A local SCSI-generic transport lib (CDDL) This code may only be used together with other code that is under an approved OpenSource license, see libschily/ The schily basic support library (CDDL) libunls/ A simple iconv replacement (GPL) mkisofs/ A ISO-9660/Rock-Ridge/Joliet/HFS/UDF filesystem formatter (GPL) Note: uses libscg readcd/ A CD/DVD read utility (CDDL) Note: uses libscg rscsi/ The remote SCSI generic transport daemon (CDDL) Note: uses libscg RULES/ The main part of the Schily Makefilesystem (CDDL) scgcheck/ The libscg interface comliance check program (CDDL) Note: uses libscg scgskeleton/ A libscg skeleton demo program (CDDL) Note: uses libscg TARGETS/ Slot support for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) TEMPLATES/ Template support for the Schily Makefile system (CDDL) For more information on the CDDL read the file CDDL.Schily.txt For more information on the GPL read the file GPL-2.0.txt For more information on the LGPL read the file LGPL-2.1.txt